Fast and secure version of ChatGPT for public officers
→ Try it here (Note: GSIB Only)
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- Do your work more effectively Research suggests that ChatGPT increases productivity by 14-30%
- Use Pair for your work Available on all non-Secret devices and for up to Restricted/Sensitive Normal info
- Explore cutting edge technology Try the latest models from Azure OpenAI, and learn prompt design with our guides
- Connect Pair to government knowledge bases Coming soon!
Did you know the Pair team has also created an email assistant, Pair Intern?
→ Signup to try Pair Intern
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See other OGP Products
Integrating claims (via Workday) in your workspace communications tool
Build your FAQs and Q&As
Appointment booking system for all agencies
Route and track responses
Track attendance for events easily
Build secure government forms in minutes
Create trusted links for citizens
Collect files from citizens securely in minutes
Rapidly launch informational sites for your agency
Create, issue and track personalised official e-letters to citizens
Engage with OGP officers on Telegram!
Fast and secure version of ChatGPT for public officers
Pay for parking using mobile devices
Digitalize gov payments
Automate your workflows
Reach out to citizens in minutes
Real-time redemption tracking
Product suite that defends against scams
e-Sign documents easily and securely
Discover/ share gov data securely