Create, issue and track personalised official e-letters to citizens
Create, issue and track personalised official e-letters to citizens
→ Try it here
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Why use LetterSG?
- Enhanced legitimacy - The public receives your email and links hosted on a domain.
- Prevents scams - Letters are opened through a link, not sent through pdf files.
- Saves time - Easily create, send, and track thousands of customised letters
- Cost saving - Save on printing and postage expenses by switching from paper to e-letters
Use cases:
- Sending report cards, circulars and application letters to students
- Sending certificates to attendees who completed a course
- Sending internal certificates of accomplishments to your colleagues
- Sending official government agency letters and announcements to citizens
What you can do: 🔧 Quick-create templates - Create templates from popular samples in our template library, without the need for onboarding!
🔍 Track whether recipients have read your letter - View the letter read status
…And more!
👥 Collaborate on campaigns - Share template access with your colleagues. Your team can now cover you on campaign follow-ups
💼 Add certificates to LinkedIn (here’s how)
🔗 Automate your LetterSG workflows with FormSG, PaySG and other OGP tools, using Plumber (e.g. payment QR code in enforcement letter)
💡 New features in beta
📱 Send by NRIC/FIN: No contact number, no problem. Sign up for our beta to send letters to recipients by uploading their NRIC/FIN - LetterSG will retrieve and send to their updated contact number from Singpass.
📮 Manage your paper letters alongside digital: Want to go digital, but still need to keep some letters on paper? For use cases of >50k digital/paper letters, we’re trialling a Singpost integration that will let you send the letter via post. Sign up for our beta features here!
Learn more about LetterSG:
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Create, issue and track personalised official e-letters to citizens
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