A chatbot to chat with the H2 Humanities (Econs, Geog, Hist) syllabus for the A-Levels!
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Built by an ex-student (fresh out of JC, currently in army!), for students.
Ever wanted to ask a burning question to your teacher and get an immediate response? This chatbot allows you to do just that. It is built on open-sourced notes online, targeted at the H2 syllabus.
v0 requires an openAI API key to run this chatbot, so do email me if you would like a key!
I’m currently working on v1, which should be a web app that allows students to chat with syllabus content freely (without an API key, and this will be self-funded). As of @March 29, 2023 I’ll be in BMT so dev progress will be slow. ⁄
Because of the nature of LLMs and hallucination, while there have been attempts to minimise randomly spoofed content, there is no guarantee that answers are 100% accurate. As such while this is still in beta phase, students are encouraged to check with their teachers when they have the time to do so.